Swindon Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre has, for over 21 years, helped meet the needs of the MS community in and around Swindon by offering proven therapies to help control the effects of Multiple Sclerosis.

The centre provides a focal point for MS people offering a physiotherapy area, oxygen chamber, private meeting room and relaxing area for coffee mornings.

Current annual running costs exceed £30,000 and with no statutory funding, every penny is raised by ourselves or by donations.

We are a member of the National MS Therapy Centres Organisation and a registered provider with the Healthcare Commission who oversees our activities through inspections and set policies.

Therapies offered include: High Dosage Oxygen Therapy, breathing oxygen through a facemask in the chamber under pressure; physiotherapy; dietary advice and other complimentary therapies.

We wish to purchase a hoist and slings (£1,500) for use by our physiotherapist, allowing safe and more dignified manoeuvring of less mobile members.