LEARN new countryside skills with one of the fascinating courses run by the Magdalen Project, based near Chard in Somerset.

The residential centre, set in the heart of a 132-acre smallholding, runs courses that range from sausage and salami-making to building with straw bales and lime render.

Courses run all year and include From Fleece to Fabric, Starting to Weave, Willow Garden Sculptures, A Touch of Local Colour: Using Natural Dyes, Hedgelaying, Meat Curing, Soap Making, Stone Walling, Hurdle Making, Felt Making, Soft Stone Carving, Hedgerow Walking Sticks, Building With Cob, Earth Oven Building and An Introduction to Green Woodworking.

The centre aims to help people develop a deeper understanding of the countryside and a more sustainable approach to life.

It relies on volunteers to support its work and can offer work experience options in the organic vegetable garden, assisting in the kitchen, office and general maintenance work.

For further information visit the website at www.themagdalenproject.org.uk, call (01460) 30144 or fax (01460) 30177.