A SINGLE man carried out sex assaults on a teenage boy with learning difficulties, a court has heard.

Craig Taylor, 44, who has twice been convicted of sex attacks on children in the past, groomed the 16-year-old before carrying out the indecent acts on him, it is claimed.

And he also had sexual contact at his Eldene home with a friend of the youngster who was 15, a jury at the crown court was told.

Sue Evans, prosecuting, said Taylor befriended a boy who has learning difficulties and cerebral palsy. The youngster used to go to Taylor's house, she said, and his parents became concerned when they found he was smoking and drinking beer there.

Last July the boy returned with wet hair smelling of aftershave. "His mother asked him what was going on.

"He told her what had happened with Mr Taylor," she said.

"He was interviewed and described Craig Taylor as his best friend. He gave him cigarettes and had given him beer before.

He told officers he had gone there after school on July 2 and they had undressed and got in bed together.

They carried out sex acts on each other in the bed and in the shower.

Miss Evans said police also spoke to another teenager who claimed Taylor touched him improperly when he was 15.

Taylor admitted a relationship with the boy, she said, but only when he was over 16, the age of consent.

He said he was lying because he was a friend of the other boy.

Miss Evans added: "Mr Taylor has previous convictions for indecently assaulting young people a total of six offences in 1998 and one in 1990.

"He has the propensity to commit this sort of offence."

Taylor, of Stubsmead, denies three counts of indecent assault on a boy under 16 and four of sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice.

The trial continues.

Jamie Hill