Coun Ian Dobie Picture Ref: 26519-23RUBBISH: I FELT so incensed when I read your article Recycling confusion for many in the Adver on Wednesday. Coun Ian Dobie is suggesting that the people of Swindon have not read the leaflet.

My usual collection day is Tuesday and this week myself and neighbours all put our rubbish and green bags out as usual.

At about 5pm that day we received a delivery of orange boxes and the leaflet telling us that our collection day has changed. A bit late, I'm sure Coun Dobie would agree?

Maybe if the council had told people before the change, they would not have put their rubbish out. So before you blame the people of Swindon Coun Dobie, perhaps you should look a bit closer to home?

Incidentally, if you are worried about the levels of rubbish on the streets now, what will it be like when we have to put out Orange boxes on a Tuesday, green bags on a Thursday and black bags on a Friday?

