RUBBISH: I WRITE regarding Recycling confusion article in today's Evening Advertiser (April 6).

I received my box and the said booklet on April 1, when having checked the booklet I noticed my street was not included.

I phoned the number given and was given various excuses regarding the reason for not being included, and very reluctantly was asked for my phone number.

Having no response we put our refuse out to correspond with nearby streets result none were collected.

The refuse collectors came very early today which is our old dustbin collection day!

So many people will have missed today's collection.

As we have transport we took our items for recycling to Tesco's in Ocotal Way, where we had a very interesting conversation with people from Stratton who are still not on the list, and don't get a collection done, so use

Tesco's as we did.

I would urge Coun Dobie to ensure booklets are checked before being distributed, not blame the public for their incompetence!

PS: We had a delivery of a slip of paper today with identical details to the one we used to put our bags out.

Let's hope next week they will prove correct!


Park South
