Ref. 76766-71RUBBISH: FURTHER to your article on Recycling confusion for many (EA April 6), in which the council is urging residents to check their collection dates in a recently distributed leaflet.

The refuse collection date for Eastcott Road was stated as Tuesday.

Practically all households in the road left rubbish for collection on that day.

However the rubbish was not collected until Wednesday, the usual collection day.

Perhaps it is the council who ought to check their leaflets.

As far as the recycling boxes are concerned these were left on the pavement outside front doors without notice, about two weeks earlier.

Unfortunately it was very windy that day and most boxes were blown away, to end up in a big pile further down the road.

Consequently many residents were not even aware of their boxes, let alone the instructions contained within them.

Hence the lack of boxes left for collection on Monday.

A further copy of the leaflet distributed separately referred to the now 'non-existing' boxes and was probably consigned to the normal rubbish bag, which was then collected on the normal day. What a shambles!

Why couldn't the council just issue different coloured bags for different types of rubbish, as is done successfully on the Continent, or is this too simple?

