A SCHEME to improve the town's childcare has been given a huge cash boost from the Government.

Sure Start Partnership manager Carmel Burton Picture Ref: 76932-99Swindon Sure Start Part-nership will get £2.9m from 2006 to 2008 so it can develop a second wave of Sure Start Children's Centres, aimed at giving families better opportunities to find nurseries and family healthcare.

Wiltshire will also benefit from the extra cash. The county is getting £6.8m over the same period.

There are two Sure Start centres in Swindon, one in Penhill and Pinehurst and the other at Goddard Park Primary School.

There is soon to be a third serving the Central area of the town. Carmel Burton, Sure Start Partnership manager, said: "This is extremely good news for Sure Start here in Swindon.

"With the money we can begin setting up to a further seven Sure Start centres, and reach up to 7,500 under-fives, which is a vast area of Swin-don."

Coun Garry Perkins, (Con Shaw and Nine Elms) was delighted.

He said: "I embrace any new money provided by the Government.

"We currently have two Sure Start schemes in some of the town's most deprived areas, and they are doing fantastic work in providing the support and advice parents need to give their children the best possible start to life and their schooling."

The centres aim is to offer integrated, good quality early learning and daycare for children, as well as the provision of child and family health services, including antenatal services.

Sure Start centres also give parents effective links with Jobcentre Plus, local training providers and further and higher education institutions.

They serve young people and their families from the antenatal period until the child reaches its fifth birthday.

The Government aims to have 2,500 such centres across England by March 2008 and one in every community 3,500 by 2010.

Margaret Hodge, minister for children, young people and families, said: "All parents want to give their children the best start in life, and this means having access to childcare, health services and family support in your local area.

"That is what Sure Start Children's Centres will deliver a one-stop-shop for family services."

For more information about the centres, visit www.surestart.gov.uk

Anthony Osborne