PEOPLE are needed to become school governors.

Wiltshire County Council is recruiting people to what they say is the biggest band of volunteers in the county.

Governors manage schools and fulfil a number of roles, including the appointment of head teachers.

David Marriott, head of governor services at Wiltshire County Council, said: "Becoming a school governor is very rewarding and gives people an opportunity to put something back into their community.

"Governors need to be able to work as part of a team, get along well with other people and be prepared to learn. It is challenging, but there is support from both the school and the local education authority.

"The county council is constantly recruiting new governors and provides support to all governors in the important role they play in managing Wiltshire's schools."

Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, and are not necessarily parents.

Anyone interested can contact Paula Smith on 01225 713821 or their local school.