TWO former district councillors are seeking comebacks in two Salisbury district council by-elections taking place on May 5, the same day as the general election and Wiltshire county council elections.

The district elections are at Bemerton, in Salisbury, following the resignation of former mayor David McCarthy, and in Durrington, where Conservative councillor Henry Bojdys resigned after moving to Germany.

Hoping to hold Bemerton for Labour is Clive Vincent, a former district councillor for Bishopdown.

Mr Vincent faces challenges from Terence Lindley for the Conservatives and from Timothy Payne for the Liberal Democrats.

There are also three candidates in Durrington.

Seeking a return to the council is Martin Lee, who was a Liberal Democrat councillor for Bulford between 1995 and 2003.

He faces challenges from John Rodell, who hopes to hold the seat for the Conservatives, and Ricky Robinson, the Labour candidate.

Candidates are:

Bemerton, one seat: Terence John Lindley (Con), Timothy Anthony Payne (Lib Dem), Clive Robert Vincent (Lab).

Durrington, one seat: Martin Douglas Lee (Lib Dem), Ricky Robinson (Lab), John Rodell (Con).