JUST a day after the Journal took up the case of a retired nurse's 15-month wait for hip surgery, he received a telephone call saying his operation could go ahead next week.

Peter Grint said: "The Journal rang me last Wednesday and asked me questions about my complaint and then, rightly, asked the hospital for their side of the story. Lo and behold, the very next morning I received a phone call from Salisbury District Hospital, offering me a date in ten days' time for my operation.

"Maybe it was just a coincidence - but I rather think it was down to the Journal asking questions."

A hospital spokesman said this week that, although they confirmed next week's appointment with Mr Grint last Thursday, they had originally notified him of a possible gap in their timetable the previous Monday.

Mr Grint (65), of Winterbourne Gunner, has osteoarthritis in his knees and hips, and had an operation to alleviate the symptoms on his right leg in July 2003.

But it was decided that he would need similar treatment on his other leg and he was placed on the waiting list.

He was offered an operation last September at one week's notice but was unable to go into hospital because of a work commitment and a foot infection.

But because he had been given a date - even though he was unable to attend through no fault of his own - he was put back at the bottom of the list.

Mr Grint said: "I'm in pain most of the time.

"I have to walk with a stick but the hip keeps giving way, meaning I fall - it's certainly affected my quality of life and that of my family."

As well as suffering physical problems through the long wait, he has had to cancel work appointments.

Mr Grint gives lectures to care staff but, as they need to be booked in advance, he feared they might conflict with a hospital date.

Speaking prior to getting his new appointment, Mr Grist said: "My only other option is to go private but the cost I've been quoted is £9,000 and I would have to borrow that - at 65 that's not an attractive option.

"After working and paying taxes for 50 years, I find this option a damning indictment of our so-called health service."

The Journal contacted Salisbury healthcare trust last Wednesday and on Friday received a statement saying:

"On December 16, Mr Grint was placed on the waiting list for a hip operation and in August 2004 was given a date for him to come in for surgery on September 5, 2004.

"Mr Grint informed the trust that he would be unable to come in because of work commitments and, on his request, June 2005 was more acceptable."

"Following regular correspondence, Mr Grint then requested an earlier date in April, which the trust had now been able to provide.

"Of the 4,697 patients currently on the trust waiting list, all but 80 have an operation date planned for within six months."