WATER-HAPPY competitors splashed their way to success during the first-ever Salisbury Rotary Club charity swimathon.

A total of 193 swimmers from 36 teams, clocked up a staggering 4,022 lengths at the Godolphin School pool, the youngest swimmer just seven years old and the oldest 78-year-old James Scrivens, who swam for the whole 55 minutes.

Organisations from across the city, including this newspaper's Journal Flounders and the Spire FM team, hit the magic 100 lengths.

Topping the event were firefighters from Salisbury fire station, Fire and Water, swimming an impressive 181 lengths, closely followed by the Salisbury Masters team, with 179 lengths.

Third were the Splashing Turtles with 155 lengths and runners-up Peggy and Friends with 150 lengths.

Each team spent nearly an hour in the pool, notching up cash for local charity Peggy and Friends, Dogs for the Disabled and Salisbury Rotary's charities fund.

Godolpin schoolgirl Laura Giddings, who lost a leg in a bomb blast in South Africa, was swimming on the day for Peggy and Friends - a charity set up by her parents in 2000, providing practical advice to children and parents affected by amputation.

Laura is in training for the Beijing paralympics and hotfooted it to join in the Swimathon, having swum 6,000m at a Southampton pool the same morning.

Local muscular dystrophy sufferer Jill Brown and her Dogs for the Disabled companion, Yates, were there to give support - Jill also swimming 11 lengths and collecting £400 in sponsorship.

Swimathon organiser Ron Millar said: "We had the most amazing day and the atmosphere in the pool was absolutely tremendous. It was just like a big family occasion and I think we will have another swimathon next year.

"We really have to thank all the people who took part, the Godolphin School for letting us use the pool and the Journal and Spire FM for all the publicity they gave the event."

Sponsorship money should be sent by cheque to JG Wort, Honorary Treasurer, Salisbury Rotary Club, 58, Harnham Road, Salisbury, SP2 8JJ, and made payable to Salisbury Rotary Club charity account. Teams will receive a team photograph and individual certificates.