Coun Garry Perkins Picture Ref: 12694-42BATTLE FOR COATE: COUN Garry Perkins (Con, Shaw and Nine Elms), lead member for education, has welcomed plans for the new school.

But he warned that lessons must be learned from previous mistakes.

"We need to create a sustainable community for the future," he said. "We are talking about 1,800 new houses. They are likely to attract a great deal of interest from families.

"If we are going to get these extras houses we have to have a new school and it needs to be ready by the time the families move to the area.

"We need to learn from mistakes made in north Swindon.

"Houses went up before the schools and I think that was a mistake. Communities quickly lose any sense of social cohesion if children have to travel to other areas of town to attend school.