Rev Simon Stevenette the vicar of Christ Church Picture Ref: 26562-19WORK on building a huge scaffolding frame around the spire of Christ Church in Old Town has begun.

Scaffolding contractors began yesterday and the assembly of the scaffolding is due to take six weeks.

Then work on the spire will begin and is due to take seven months.

David Vowles, of the Parochial Church Council, said the scaffolding work itself was complicated.

"The scaffolding is complex work. It has to cover all 151 feet of the spire but it also has to wrap around the spire over the church roof," he said.

"So getting that correct will be complicated."

Once complete, specialist contractors Ellis and Co, of Shepton Mallet, in Somerset, will begin the work of repairing the stonework, suffering from more than 150 years of exposure to pollution and the elements.

The work is being paid for by the Skyline Appeal, a charity set up in 2001 with the aim of raising money to fund the repair of the building.

The Rev Simon Stevenette, the vicar of Christ Church, said: "'The building has helped many over the years. Now it's time for the many to help the building, not to create a museum, but to secure and expand the base of our support to the people of Swindon."