A MOBILE toy library for disadvantaged children will be back on the streets by the end of the month.

The scheme, funded by Sure Start, in Everleigh Road, Penhill, was launched by former South Swindon MP Julia Drown in February.

But after the original driver stepped down at the end of March the committee have had to find a new person to take on the role.

Committee member Alan Tarrant said: "It was going really well and we always knew the first person was doing it on a temporary basis.

"We've got a shortlist of people for the job now and we'll be interviewing them soon.

"We want to have it going again by the end of the month."

Parents pay £3 to join the service and then a further £1 to hire a toy for two weeks 50p of which is refunded on return of the item.

The toy library visits Penhill and Pinehurst.

Anyone interested in joining the voluntary committee which runs the service should call the North Swindon Family Centre on 705810.