WHY did the hedgehog cross the road?

To get to the Swindon Swan Sanctuary after he broke his leg.

An anonymous member of the public found the injured hedgehog in her garden and took the prickly fellow to the Swan Sanctuary last Wednesday.

Roger and Sue Hulbert, who run the sanctuary in Shrivenham Road, paid £80 to have the hedgehog's leg amputated at the Exotic Pets surgery in Shrivenham Road on Thursday and since then he has made a full recovery.

"He's running around the garden on three legs," Roger said.

"He's happy now. Luckily it was a back leg. If it had been a front one that's one of his foraging legs and that would have been worse."

Roger thinks the hedgehog hurt his leg after getting it caught in a lawn mower. And now that he is better the hedgehog needs a new home.

"He needs someone who has a nice enclosed garden to take him in," Roger said.

"It was a nasty injury but he's fine now. We don't have the name of the lady who found him so she doesn't know how he is doing but hopefully someone will give him a home."