SO the Royal Wedding is over . . . what a lot of fuss about nothing. I vowed I wouldn't watch a second of it, but watched the lot, and I'm glad I did.

Camilla looked very nervous and vulnerable, and showed no sign of pretentiousness. I liked that. The guests' arrival had something of the cat-walk about it and the ladies' hats on display varied from suspended birds nests to Boy George lookalikes, while some of the gents appeared like something out of Alice In Wonderland.

The sight of the bulk of the Royal Family being transported by two mini-coaches after the Queen raced off to see the Grand National was indeed a sight to behold. A touch of the common for you.

Anyway, after this surreal experience, I sincerely wish the couple well and if Camilla could only now take on the mantle of a high moral profile like Princess Diana, Linda McCartney and Heather Mills, and stop regarding the term "wildlife'' as a code word for "let's kill it'', then I could actually like her a lot!


