WHEN the new Swindon Card replaced the old Gold Card which was free and ran for ten years, it was said that the new card, which costs senior citizens £5, would save money.

With my old card it used to cost me 75p for a one hour swim, but with my new card the same swim cost me £1.50.

On reaching the age of 75 in December 2004 I was given a free card and told my swim would cost 30p, very nice I thought, we are getting something for nothing for a change.

But imagine my surprise when I was told that from April 1, 2005 all prices had gone up by 10p for people under 75 and over 75 the cost had gone up by 70p making the cost of my swim now £1.

The only way to save anything would be to give up swimming. Why such a big increase for us old uns?

