GAZETTE & HERALD: A new scheme to make Monkton Hill safer for pedestrians and cyclists was given the cold shoulder by local residents and members of North Wiltshire District Council's Chippenham area committee.

Wiltshire County Council has put forward three alternative plans in a bid to improve the steep, narrow road between Station Hill and The Bridge, which has no footpath at the top.

But members of the area committee agreed on Monday night they preferred a fourth, unstated option to do nothing.

"I think the whole thing is a solution in search of a problem," said Coun Philip Allnatt.

"The vast majority of people think that if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

The county council commissioned consultants Mouchel Parkman to develop a scheme along the hill. The highway authority wants to improve the road for walkers and cyclists as part of the regeneration of the Chippenham railway station forecourt.

Three proposals have been put forward.

The first involves making the road one-way uphill, which would allow a pathway to be built.

The second option is to have one-way traffic down the hill.

The third option would introduce sets of traffic lights at the top and bottom of the hill allowing for traffic movements alternately in each direction.