GAZETTE & HERALD: TINY Spencer Smart received so much love and attention at the Royal United Hospital's Newborn Intensive Care Unit his mum Linda wanted to give something back.

So the fitness fanatic decided to run Sunday's London Marathon of behalf of her son and to raise much-needed funds for the Forever Friends Appeal.

Spencer, now two, was born four weeks prematurely and spent 11 days in the special unit.

Mrs Smart, 33, said: "I would like to give something back to the RUH for the love and attention they gave to Spencer, and because I enjoy fitness activities I felt that running the London Marathon in order to raise money was an ideal way in which to achieve this.

"Spencer wasn't really poorly but I got an insight behind the scenes. I'm really grateful they are there."

She gained her place in the world-famous event through Calne Running Club and trains four times a week in preparation for the race, although a hamstring injury at Christmas almost ended her hopes to compete.

She said: "I'm about eight weeks behind schedule, but failure is not in my dictionary."

Mrs Smart, of Barbell Close, has spent a year in training with her race partner Tina Tabley and hopes to raise at least £2,000.

Ruth Wilkinson, events officer for the Forever Friends Appeal commented: "We are delighted that Linda is undertaking such a wonderful personal challenge and in doing so will help to ensure that the NICU unit has the best possible level of medical equipment to treat the babies who depend on the unit.

"We are thrilled that Linda has chosen to run on behalf of the appeal because this will be the first year in which the charity has been represented in the event.

"Linda successfully completed the Bath Half Marathon in two hours 10 minutes and everyone here will be cheering Linda on and keeping a close eye on her progress throughout the race."

If you would like to help Mrs Smart exceed her target by sponsoring her to run in the London Marathon, please contact the appeal team on (01225) 825825.

Big Daddy Matthew Everitt is hoping to beat his previous marathon record of six hours when he carries his giant frame around the famous 26-mile course this weekend.

Standing at 7ft one inch, Mr Everitt, of Dace Road, Calne, is the tallest runner to take part in the marathon.

The 30-year-old father of two, who towers above his wife Rachel, is running on behalf of a little girl called Lauren Fisher.

Lauren, six, who lives in Cheshire, is battling leukaemia and Mr Everitt wants to raise as much money as possible for the charity Children with Leukaemia.

Also running for a worthwhile cause is Liz Laird, of Oxford Road, Calne, who is aiming to raise £1,500 for Dorothy House Hospice.

Miss Laird, 36, won a wild card entry into the race.

She said: "I'm almost ready for the big day. Friends and family from Calne, Essex and Buckinghamshire will be coming to London to cheer me on. I can't let them or Dorothy House down."

Former Hardenhuish School pupil Lee Priestley, is hoping his first marathon attempt will make Sense by running for the national deafblind charity.

Mr Priestley, 22, from Lyneham, works for the charity at a residential home in Trowbridge.

He said: "My job has inspired me to run the marathon for Sense.

"I have seen that with the right services and support, deafblind people can develop their talents and choose how to live their lives."