15732/1GAZETTE & HERALD: TOTS at Snapdragons Nursery had a scary surprise last Thursday when snakes and tarantula's came to visit.

As part of a project on animals and mini-beasts, a ranger from Zoo Lab, a Scottish company that aims to raise awareness about caring for animals, spent an hour showing off the exotic creatures.

Twenty-five children aged from three to nine years old, from the pre-school and after school club got to hold the creepy crawlies and overcome their worst fears.

Manager of the nursery on Pound Pill, Claire Burgess said: "First of all they weren't so sure but by the end they were itching to hold the snake.

"It was amazing how some children have no fear. One child had the snake right up to his face. Many adults wouldn't do that.

"We did it to give them confidence and not be afraid of spiders and to appreciate animals."

Other guests included a giant African snail, stick instincts and a millipede.

During the educational presentation the ranger explained where the animals live, what they eat and how they develop.

Miss Burgess said: "We are definitely looking at doing it on a regular basis."