GAZETTE & HERALD: YOUNG adventurer Alicia Hempleman-Adams is poised to bag her first world record after 16 days trekking across the Arctic.

The 15-year-old left on her expedition to the North Pole on March 30, following in the footsteps of her record-breaking father David, who has completed the same trek twice.

If successful she will make the record books as the youngest person to complete the mission.

Her mum Claire, 42, said on Tuesday that Alicia was poised for success. "It looks like she's going to make it, so it's getting exciting now.

"As far as we know everything is fine. We are expecting to hear from her today or tomorrow when she finishes."

The Stonar School pupil made the flight to Baffin Island, the largest in the Canadian Arctic, to trek across the Nunavut region to the North Pole with three other adventurers. She has had to pull a 60lb sledge across 200 miles in sub zero temperatures.

Mrs Hempleman-Adams said she is not 100 per cent sure when Alicia will touch back on English soil but she said if the group finishes their expedition early she will do everything she can to get her an early flight.