RUTHLESS kidnappers have struck in Pewsey threatening to shoot their hostage unless their demands are met.

The kidnappers, or Pewsey Dognappers as they describe themselves in a ransom note, struck at the Greyhound pub in North Street.

They chose April 1 as the day for the crime and by means of stealth they collared the china greyhound that has stood behind the bar since Paul and Debbie Dowse took over the popular village watering hole last August.

The pub did not realise the dog was missing until they received a gruesome ransom demand accompanied by a photograph of the dog with its eyes covered in black tape and a pistol pointed at its head.

The photo was accompanied by a ransom note made up of letters cut from a newspaper and stating: "If you want your dog back in one piece put out a meal voucher for two in the pub carvery and place it in the front window."

The note was signed with sinister overtones, Dog Nappers.

Mrs Dowse said: "We had no idea he was missing until we received the ransom note.

"We reckon it had to be an inside job because they had to come behind the bar to get to the dog."

Mrs Dowse said she had a good idea who the perpetrators were and ruled out any of the big city gangs, Mafia or Middle East terrorists.

"We think we know who was responsible and we are pretty sure the dog is somewhere in Pewsey."

Mrs Dowse said that as far as she and her husband were concerned the matter would not be put into the hands of the police as long as the greyhound was returned intact.

She said they would reluctant to call in the Wiltshire force dog handling team in case it ended with one of the regulars having his or her collar felt.

Pewsey police confirmed they had not been informed of the dog-napping but said they would be interested if Mr and Mrs Dowse had any new leads.

The canny landlady said that when the greyhound was returned and ransom collected they would be bound to know who was responsible.

She said: "Whoever comes in here with the voucher for the two meals will obviously be the ones who did it."

Mr and Mrs Dowse said their Staffordshire bull terriers Jake and Ice were pining for the greyhound.