15807/04ATTEMPTS to revive the weekly market at Pewsey have been partially successful but villagers have been warned to use or lose it.

For the past few months there had been only one regular stall, a Grimsby fish seller, but last Tuesday there were eight stalls on the market in the car park in front of the Bouverie Hall.

Kennet District Council and Pewsey Parish Council, which run the market, are both concerned at the decline.

Market officer Sarah Jones said a lot of work had been put into promoting the Pewsey market with traders.

Customers were few and far between for the revived market on Tuesday but Ms Jones said: "The traders have got to give it time until the people get used to it."

One of the new stallholders was underwear and socks seller Eddie Grandy from Marlborough who used to have a regular stall at Pewsey but had stopped attending because of lack of support.

District councillor Jerry Kunkler said: "The officers have done a good job by getting so many stalls to come here but now it is up to the people of the Pewsey Vale to support the market."