STEVE WHITE COLUMN: THEY didn't let me down but some of the players let themselves down on Saturday.

For the first 60 minutes we were not at the party. Afterwards some of the players were very honest and put their hands up and admitted they did not play well.

We will now see what they are made of going into the last few matches of the season.

There will be a lot of pressure and we wil see which players respond to that.

Saturday's was not a match I enjoyed for a number of reasons that I don't want to go into.

But it wasn't just the result. Sam Allison came away with cracked ribs after their goalkeeper needlessy kneed him in the chest.

He was in a huge amount of pain but managed to play on for a couple of minutes.

We didn't deserve to win but stragely at the end we almost came away with a point. I can honestly say if that had happened it would not have been justice.

They play a strange formation with six in midfield but we knew that. We had done our homework and decided how to play against them.

Towards the end some of the players had started to work it out and Gary Thorne did well with his two headers.

We had told the players what to expect but sometimes there is nothing you can say and you just have to let them figure it out for themselves.

At the end of the day we just did not play well enough.

But the atmosphere here is still very positive. On Tuesday evening we went training over Castle Combe golf course where there are some paths and hills for running and afterwards we all went to the pub together.

Both myself and my assistant Ronnie Needham noticed how good the morale was and were very pleased that nearly all the players had bounced back after Saturday's match.

While we were in the pub a lot of people were getting information on the Histon game and of course that was not good news for us.

I was home by the time our scout rang us with the full-time result.

Our game at home to Bedford is now a must win one for us. Histon have caught up their games in hand and are one point behind.

We can't afford to lose any more games but in this league every game is a tough one.

When you look at most tables there are 60 points between the top and bottom teams but in our league there are only 35 points dividing the first and the last place.

That shows what a tough league it is and you that can't take anything for granted.

Sam cracking his ribs and Scott Walker picking up an ankle injury was a blow for us but at least all the threats of suspension from yellow cards have now been wiped out and we don't need to hold back.

Sam will defintley be out for Saturday and it is unlikely that Scott will be back so we will have to make use of our full squad.

But all the players here are capable of doing a good job and I am optimisic going into Saturday's game.

Whatever happens we have shown we have a good team. We already have silveware in our cupboard and although people are sniffy about the Wiltshire Premiere Shield it still has to be won.

I don't think playing in that distracted the team or was a problem for Saturday. We only did light training on Thursday night and that can't be used as an excuse.

Bedford are a good side and we have to show what we are really made of. I am expecting everyone to have learnt from Saturday and to be out to win from the very first whistle.