Allied Carpets has agreed to take on the former Dreams bed shop on New Road as part of extensive improvements to the area.

The new letting follows the major works to in-fill the pedestrian underpasses on New Road/Marshfield Road and to restore the railway viaduct.

In excess of £1 million is being invested in the area in projects funded by HPH Commercial Property, Wiltshire Highways in partnership with NWDC, the town council, the Railway Heritage Trust and Network Rail.

The final phase of improvements will follow on later this year when a new floodlighting scheme will highlight Brunel's Western Arches.

Work is now underway on the former Dreams bed shop, which was originally the home of Rowland Brotherhood who was Brunel's main contractor in building the London to Bristol railway.

The listed building contains many historical features that are being sympathetically restored in detailed consultation with North Wiltshire District Council heritage officers.

Apart from the letting to Allied Carpets the project includes a further unit of 7,500 sq ft on ground and first floor, which is available for retail or pub/restaurant type occupation.

Chris Wordsworth, development director at HPH said: "We are delighted to have secured Allied Carpets as our anchor tenant for this new development. The fact that we have secured a national retailer of such calibre underscores the transition which is taking place in this area of Chippenham.

"The Western Arches are a fine example of Victorian architecture and the work which is taking place around them will create a new focus to the town centre. I believe that the continuing investment in this area, together with the influx of new retail business will reinforce Chippenham's position as an up and coming centre in the South West."