MALMESBURY residents are being urged to put their point of view on important issues in the town to councillors at tonight's annual town meeting.

Last year only one resident turned up, but this year it is hoped that issues such as the future of the town hall, the setting up of a CCTV scheme, the proposed alcohol exclusion zone and the reintroduction of the market, will encourage more residents to attend.

The mayor and chairmen of the four main committees will be presenting their reviews of the year and there will be a public question session.

Coun Charles Vernon said: "People are not interested in issues in Malmesbury unless it affects them. I had a council surgery in Malmesbury and nobody turned up. The annual meeting is a grand opportunity to have a moan. There has been quite a lot going on this year. We look forward to seeing people."

He said the lack of interest in the town hall's future had demonstrated the public apathy.

Coun Andrew Woodcock said persuading local people to get more involved with the issues affecting the town was difficult.

He said: "You cannot dangle a carrot in front of people. So often you hear people say they don't do anything.

"But when Coun Judy Jones resigned we had to co-opt another councillor."

The meeting will be at 7pm in the council chamber of the town hall. For further information call town clerk Phil Rice on (01666) 822143.