Accounting errors at Malmesbury Town Council have been described as embarrassing and unprofessional by councillor Martin Snell.

A part-time employee who left his job last month was paid in error for roughly four extra days, although the sum is now being reclaimed.

Malmesbury town clerk and chief financial officer Phil Rice identified the overpayment, although he refused to disclose the amount.

To make matters worse, a routine quarterly grant of £2,000 from the district council for the quarter ending March 31, was claimed late.

Fortunately, the amount was still to be included in the accounts for 2004-2005 and there is no deficit.

Disgusted Coun Snell condemned the discrepancies at a council meeting on Tuesday night.

Coun Snell said: 'It is terrible. It is an embarrassment to send an invoice to an ex-employee which he should not have received. How much longer can we go on like this? I fell like walking away in disgust. We are so unprofessional."

The issue came up when councillor Edmund Dias revealed the mistakes after checking the accounts with councillor Charles Vernon last Thursday. Mr Rice said he felt embarrassed by the errors.

He said: "A couple of mistakes have been made and it should not have happened. At times it is a busy office but the staff are very committed."

Coun Dias praised Mr Rice for identifying the problem and informing the council.

Coun Dias said: "Phil missed the fact this man was overpaid. He identified the error and told the council straight away.

"It was unfortunate the two errors happened at the same time. But we are a small council and not a high-flying company. The council has not come to a standstill. Mr Rice is new in the job and there is a learning curve."