15843/4TWO six foot iron gates have locked Sherston residents from neighbouring estates into a bitter row about access and right of way.

A footpath connects Manor Close and the new Strong's Close development, but Manor Close residents were angry to find gates erected at the two access points on to Knockdown Road.

Anthea Young, a Manor Close resident said: "It feels like living in Guantanamo Bay."

The trouble began when developer Bryant Homes put up the gates last month without consulting Manor Close residents or the parish council.

Relationships between some residents on the two housing estates have now hit rock bottom, and one Manor Close resident has even alleged his children have been intimidated by some living in Strong's Close.

Phil Connor has issued his neighbours with complaint forms to send to North Wiltshire District Council.

He has also written to North Wiltshire MP James Gray.

In his letter he said: "These gates have been constructed for one reason and one reason only, to keep the residents of Manor Close out of Strongs Close.

"They are a step too far. It is a deliberate attempt to exclude us and attempt to portray Strong's Close as a prestigious part of Sherston. My 10-year-old son was walking through Strong's Close on Thursday when a resident told him to get out.

"Another Strong's Close resident screamed at my 14-year-old recently telling him to get out. I have also been abused by a resident. A woman told me to keep out as she owned the land.This footpath is a thoroughfare through an estate not private land."

Margaret Barden, 74, from Strongs Close said they did not want any confrontation with Manor Close residents. "We do not want to offend anyone. Bryant Homes told us the passageway was for us to maintain and there are some people who feel very touchy about it. We have never used Manor Close as a convenient place to park."

Another Strongs Close resident who asked not be named said he felt the issue had become silly.

He said: "We are not trying to be separate. I thought the gates were there to stop people tearing through. This business is petty."

Parish councillor Mrs Young, said she was was annoyed with Bryant Homes's parent company Taylor Woodrow.

She said: "Originally I saw a model of the new estate and there were definitely no gates."

She said relationships between people living on the two estates had been exacerbated because Strong's Close residents were parking their cars in Manor Close.

Another Manor Close resident who asked not to be named, said it was a problem of newcomers versus established residents.

County councillor John Thomson met with William Crocken, Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator for Strongs Close and residents Steve Box and Mr Connor on Saturday.

Two options were discussed including removing the gates and erecting signs asking for privacy

A spokesman for Bryant Homes said following requests from some Strongs Close residents the gates were put up."The decision was taken to increase privacy while still maintaining access to all areas," he said..