Wootton Bassett Town Council will tonight decide on future town projects including the provision of youth shelters, the sale of the Civic Centre and the modernisation of the Old Court play area.

Other recommendations include using solar panels to light the town's bus stops and establishing a community working group in accordance with the town council's aspirations to create a local nature reserve at Jubilee Lake.

During March the town council held four review meetings looking at what provisions it was providing, how and where it was providing them and whether they could be changed or improved.

Several areas have been highlighted as a result of the meetings and are now up for adoption by councillors at tonight's meeting of the full council in the Civic Centre a building which itself is up for discussion.

Proposals for the building, which houses two community halls, recommend its valuation and sale. The town council feels it lacks flexibility, disability access and adequate parking. Future community hall provision would be housed within Station House on the former St Ivel site.

One of the review meetings looked at the provision of the town's seven children's play areas which are currently aimed at three to 11-year-olds. The Old Court play area has been targeted as the next site for improvement similar to those recently carried out at Woodshaw Green with additions also to Otter Way.

For older children councillors recommended the creation of illuminated youth shelters at locations agreed upon with the Police.

Coun Audrey Wannell said: "There are very few areas where the older children can go so these would provide a place for them. Obviously the positioning would have to be thought about carefully but one possible place that I'd be happy to see one is up at Manor House by the Police Station."

The town council will also look into the cost of providing lighting for the town's 32 bus shelters via the use of solar panels. Members of the public are welcome to attend tonight's meeting which starts at 7.30pm.