IRONMAN Graham Moates is in a race against time to complete a gruelling charity triple challenge in time to return home to celebrate his mother's 60th birthday.

Mr Moates, 35, of Brynard's Hill, Wootton Bassett, is raising money for Cancer Research after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in November. He is accompanied by three friends, one of whom lost his best man to cancer at the age of just 39.

Mr Moates, who has already completed a three-mile swim, has been on the road for 11 days on the 900-mile cycle ride from Land's End to John O'Groats.

Yesterday Mr Moates and his team had reached Loch Ness and were hoping to be just north of Inverness by the end of the day leaving them a final 90-miles to complete today.

They were surrounded by snow capped hills and enjoying some fine weather after some horrific conditions on Tuesday.

"We had driving sleet, gale force winds, thunder and lightning and I can tell you there wasn't too much smiling. We've all got very polished faces but the morale is still high and we can't wait to finish," said Mr Moates.

But the end of the cycle ride will be far from the end of his challenge as he swaps his trusty bike for running shoes and sets off on a marathon distance run from John O'Groats to Thurso.

Mr Moates, who runs his own sea marine geophysics and marine hydro graphic services business from home, will then travel back south to Devon on Saturday to celebrate his mother's birthday.

Speaking on Monday, when he was approaching Loch Lomond, he said: "One of the guys has had to drop out because of a knee injury but the morale is still high and there's plenty of banter and mickey-taking going on.

"We've had a few punctures and a tyre shred plus chickens running out at us but otherwise we're doing ok."

So far the team have had to put up with rain, sleet and snow but are confident they will finish the challenge.

On Monday Mr Moates, who is a member of the Swindon Triathlon Club, got the news that his mother was recovering well after her first course of chemotherapy.

"She seems to be responding very well and the doctors are fairly positive although we've got other friends who aren't so lucky," said Mr Moates.

In 1992 he completed the same cycle ride but as he explained things are now very different.

"I've done this cycle ride before so it's not about the ride, it's about raising money for Cancer Research and that's the personal edge."

The team, who have so far raised £5,000, are being supported by their wives and fiances and on Monday Mr Moates' partner Emma Fordham, 34, joined the support team.

"That was a big boost and they're all doing a brilliant job keeping us going and sorting out all our bags and drinks. I'm hoping the rest of the ride will be ok but I am slightly dreading the run as I haven't done that much training for it."

The team have been averaging around 82 miles a day but on one day they cycled 107 miles.

Anyone wanting to sponsor Mr Moates can email him at or visit