New Road, Wootton BassettGREAT WILTSHIRE DRUGS BUST: EVEN though some residents had their suspicions, it was not until the police raided his house in New Road, Wootton Bassett, that they found out for sure that Mensah was a major drug dealer.

Neighbours saw expensive cars coming and going at all hours and there was always a flash motor on the drive.

Despite making the leafy street his home, Mensah did not interact with his neighbours.

But even now, with Mensah safely behind bars they are still afraid to be identified when talking about him for fear of repercussions.

One woman, who only lived a few doors away, said: "He didn't live here for long and when his house was raided, I couldn't believe it.

"You couldn't ignore the different expensive cars he had. They were always there. People, mostly ladies, would come and go from his house at all hours of the day and night.

"When his house was raided, it was a shock to us all. To think we had someone like that living on our doorstep.

"I've lived here 47 years and I've never known the like.

"He must have picked this street as a hideaway as it is so quiet and such a safe place to live."

Mensah's house was raided in February last year and when the police cordoned off the street, it confirmed neighbours' worst suspicions.

Another neighbour said: "We all knew something was going on, but this wasn't confirmed until his house was busted by the police. Everyone was talking about it.

"I think we were all quite shocked when it did happen and it is unbelievable that someone who had their own criminal empire lived only a few doors down from me."

Since the raid, new occupants have moved into the house and they did not know anything about its history.

"We moved our stuff into the house in May 2004 and we didn't know anything about the previous occupants," said the new tenant. We soon heard from neighbours who used to live in the house. It's quite weird to think that we are living where some quite shady dealings used to take place."