GREAT WILTSHIRE DRUGS BUST: KINGPIN drug dealer Darren Mensah was not a man who was afraid of flashing his cash.

Fast cars and designer clothing all complemented his luxury lifestyle.

He made quite an impact on the quiet Wootton Bassett street he called his home, where luxury cars were always parked up and he was always seen inthe most fashionable clothes.

Enquiries by police into the lifestyle and finances of Mensah showed he spent £30,000 on luxury vehicle hire in eight months and was responsible for driving over 21,000 miles. The estimated cost of fuel is £3,400

It is also known that Mensah travelled abroad, including America, to buy designer clothing and to look at property in Ghana.

A large volume of designer clothing was recovered from the addresses, including his New Road, Wootton Bassett property, at which he was staying.

The total value of the clothing, shoes and trainers recovered is approximately £14,500.

This was worked out by fashion experts especially called in by police to make the valuations.

Wiltshire police spokesman, Steve Coxhead, said: "Darren Mensah's passion for designer clothing is further reflected in his carrying the telephone numbers of designer stores like Gucci, Armani, Harvey Nichols, Liberty, Noel Carpenter and Versace."

He was also known to spend vast amounts of cash on jewellery.

When calculated from the exhibits produced by police, the statements taken and the admissions made by Mensah, the overall cash expenditure by him alone is in the region of £80,000, with the bulk of that money being spent since April 2003.

Mr Coxhead added: "The police have found no legitimate sources of income to support his affluent life style."

Until he is sentenced on May 10, it will not be known if the assets will be stripped from him by the courts.