GAZETTE & HERALD: DRUG dealer Deborah Anderson has been warned she could go to jail after admitting selling ecstasy and cannabis.

The 35-year-old, of Anchor Road, Calne, pleaded guilty to supplying ecstasy over a seven-and-a-half month period, when she appeared at Swindon Crown Court on Friday.

She also admitted supplying cannabis over the same period of time as well as being in possession of both drugs with intent to supply them when she was arrested.

Jonathan Simpson, defending, told the court his client pleaded guilty to the offences on the basis that she was only dealing to her friends.

"Can I say this much; these pleas are on the basis that she was, but is no longer, a personal user of drugs and supply was only to friends she knew and to fund her own habit and no excess," he said.

The court was handed a report from a worker at a drug and alcohol day care service and Mr Simpson asked that she be considered for a drug treatment and testing order.

Anderson pleaded guilty to supplying ecstasy and cannabis between January 1 and March 31, April 1 and June 30 and July 1 and August 12 last year. She also admitted possessing the drugs with intent to supply on Thursday, August 12 last year.

Adjourning the matter for sentence Judge Tom Longbotham said he was ordering reports on the defendant, but warned her prison was a likely outcome.

He said "The case is going to be adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be prepared by the probation service.

"If the author of that report wishes to consider any issue as to whether a drug treatment and testing order is appropriate for consideration by the court then that is up to the author of the report.

"All supply of class A drugs are serious offences and offences which very almost always result in a prison sentence.

"Until I know more about it it would not be proper of this court to give an indication one way or another so all options will be open."

Anderson was released on bail and will face sentence next month.