GAZETTE & HERALD: TAXI driver William Potter was put on the sex offenders register this week after a court heard how he groped a 20-year-old customer.

Potter, a married man of Bluebell Grove, Calne, pleaded guilty to sexual assault at Chippenham magistrates on Friday.

The 59-year-old rubbed the woman from her armpit to her breast in what was described as a very grave breach of trust.

Frank Murphy prosecuting told how the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, phoned Calne Travel taxi firm on January 9 to pick her up from the Kings Arms, Calne.

Potter arrived at 1.05am in an eight-seater mini-bus and said: "Hello gorgeous. Are you going to Lyneham?" She got into the front passenger seat.

The court heard the woman is a regular user of the taxi company and Potter has driven her on four previous occasions.

Mr Murphy said the woman had had two alcoholic Reefs and one shot on her evening out.

"She felt sober and knew exactly what she was doing," he said.

The 10-minute journey cost the woman £9 and she handed over a £10 note.

Mr Murphy said Potter clasped her hands as he took it. As she put the change in her pocket he leaned across and locked his arms around hers, in a bear hug position, and is alleged to have said "give me a hug, you sexy bitch".

Mr Murphy said: "She was scared. She could see his face approaching hers and immediately turned away and felt his lips and tongue on her right cheek.

"She struggled to release herself from his grip."

He said Potter turned the interior light off and put his hand under her jacket and started to rub her up and down from her armpit to her breast saying what lovely skin she had.

"She went to bed feeling upset, shocked and sick," Mr Murphy said.

"She was extremely scared and did not expect a taxi driver to behave in this manner.

"This is a very grave breach of trust. A young woman at night trusted this taxi driver."

He said that in Potter's interview he denied putting his hands up her jumper and said the taxi journey always ended with a kiss and her putting her arms around him.

Tim Hammick, defending, said: "On a scale of matters of this sort, this would be very much the lower end of the scale. The aggravating feature is he was a taxi driver. He knows only too well that he over-stepped the mark."

Potter has been released on unconditional bail for pre-sentence reports until May 6.