THE list of local runners hoping to raise cash for good causes by taking part in the London Marathon on Sunday continues to grow.

Last week the Gazette highlighted the Rev Chris Tebbutt, who is running the marathon for Christian communities in the Sudan, and Alistair Thomas, who is hoping to raise cash for the Devizes branch of the MS Society.

Both men are members of Hickey's Harriers, an unofficial running club started up by Barry Hickey, headmaster of St Joseph's RC Primary School in Devizes.

But other members of the group are intending to raise money from the run.

Royden Perrett, who works in the control room at police headquarters in Devizes, will once again be running in aid of Elizabeth Lodge, a care home in Trowbridge where his young brother Craig lives.

The lodge, for young adults with profound mental and physical disabilities, is run by the Shaftesbury Trust.

Mr Perrett said: "By fundraising I can provide them with additional opportunities and experiences that in some small way can increase the quality of their lives.

"My objective this year is to create funds to develop the lodge's side garden which is currently very uninspiring. I want to turn this area into a stimulating garden providing a peaceful and pleasurable haven that the residents, staff and their families can sit and enjoy."

Brendan Baker, another long-running member of the Harriers, is trying to raise money to help the Devizes Guides build their own home on land near Coate, for which they have planning permission.

He said: "I've no idea how much I am likely to raise but I'm hoping it will be about £300 or £400 to go towards equipping the new centre when it is built."

Paul Melhuish, 55, from Urchfont, is raising money for another local community facility, the village hall.

The idea is to expand the hall's stage area and backstage as well as building a new entrance hall. Mr Melhuish, a former RAF officer, ran the London Marathon last year for the Royal Air Force Association but this year wanted to support a cause closer to home.

Sponsorship forms for his campaign are available at the Lamb Inn or the village shop next to it.

Randolph Carter, a 38-year-old father of three from Marden, is running with all his team-mates from the Marlborough-based TCM (Team Called Malice) football team .

He and his colleagues are joining 150 other runners in the Breakthrough team raising money to fight breast cancer. Anyone wishing to sponsor him can visit the website

The Rev Tebbutt, vicar of St James' Church in Devizes, is hoping to raise £5,000 to equip a health centre in Sudan.

This will be the first marathon for Mr Tebbutt, 49, and running the London Marathon before he reached the age of 50 has been a long held personal ambition.

Devizes pizza chef Alistair Thomas is running the marathon to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre based in Essex.

Mr Thomas, 31, was inspired to raise money for the centre by his good friend Dean MacKay-Morris, 53, of Worton who has MS.

Mandy Rowley, 30, of Devizes, who is diabetic and suffered serious injuries to her left leg in a road collision seven years ago is raising money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Miss Rowley, a civil servant with the Ministry of Defence, said she is not worried about what time she completes the marathon.

Jenny Delaney, of Easterton, is running the marathon to raise money for the charity Action for ME.

Miss Delaney, 24, a primary school teacher in Southampton, has been inspired to run by her sister, Kate, 28, suffers from the chronic illness ME.