TOWN councillors in Marlborough have said if an historic wall claimed to be in poor condition has to be reduced in height, it must be rebuilt straight away.

The owners of the former Kingsbury Hill House School and grounds, Michael and Judith Innes-Williams, are seeking planning consent to reduce the height of a wall on the Herd Street boundary.

The planning application is to reduce the height of the Grade II listed wall and add a temporary capping.

Chairman David Parker told the town council planning committee on Monday that the wall was said to need strengthening, which necessitated removing the upper 16 to 18 courses of bricks.

It was proposed that the wall would be rebuilt when development took place in the grounds of the school, which closed last July.

Coun Parker said there had been a previous planning consent for homes in the school grounds but this had lapsed.

Coun Maurice Cooper said the council could not object to the removal of the upper part of the wall on safety grounds but should object to a temporary capping being applied.

He said: "We would like to see it rebuilt straight away."