DRUGS, tiredness or exhaust fumes could all singly or in combination have contributed to the death of popular teenager Chris Eastland last July, an inquest heard yesterday.

Chris, a member of Marlborough Venture Scouts, died instantly a week before his 19th birthday when his car hit a tree on the A4 at Clatford, the Wiltshire coroner David Masters heard.

After working until 10pm filling shelves at Waitrose, Chris, whose home was at Berwick Bassett, went to the Barton Park home of close friend Benjamin Price.

Benjamin said that they drove in Chris' car to Savernake Forest where between them they had smoked two or three cannabis joints.

The teenager said he and Chris had been to the forest a number of times where they smoked joints.

Benjamin, who was the same age as Chris, said: "It was not unusual for him to drive after he smoked."

The evening before the crash the friends had been to the forest, before going to Benjamin's home to watch TV. Benjamin said Chris appeared tired when he left to drive home.

Accident investigator John Milner said he found holes in the exhaust pipe on the teenager's car that could have allowed toxic carbon monoxide fumes into the car.

He said telltale marks where the car left the road were "a classic hallmark" of a tired driver.

Recording an verdict of accidental death, Mr Masters said fatigue, carbon monoxide fumes or the inhalation of cannabis could all have contributed to Chris lapsing into a state of reduced consciousness.