Bob Hayward, who wants to set up a food bank in Swindon for people in crisis Picture Ref: 76964-95ENTREPRENEUR Bob Hayward is so shocked by poverty in Swindon that he plans to open a food bank.

The charity will provide food for needy families who suddenly find themselves in crisis.

Bob, 49, who runs two businesses in town, has been startled by figures showing the level of deprivation in areas like Pinehurst, Penhill, Parks and Walcot.

Despite the town's booming economy, a shocking report last year revealed that one in six Swindon children live in poverty.

The area of Penhill known as The Valley was ranked among the most deprived in the country.

Bob who runs an executive coaching company and a communications firm in Stratton is horrified by the figures.

"We've got poverty like never before," he said. "This scheme will act as a stop-gap measure.

"If you're a single mum with three kids who normally have a free school meal, how on earth do you cope during the long summer holidays?"

Families will be given vouchers by GPs, health visitors and social workers.

Each one will entitle them to enough food for breakfast, lunch and an evening meal for three days.

Foodstuffs will be chosen by doctors for nutritional value.

Before the operation can swing into action, Bob, of Kennet Avenue, Greenmeadow, needs to raise £35,000.

The cash will be used to rent a warehouse to store the food and pay for a project manager.

It is hoped that the food will be donated by shoppers, who will donate items on a list given out by volunteers in supermarkets.

Bob a committed charity fundraiser who recently ran from Land's End to John O' Groats was inspired by a similar scheme in Salisbury called the Trussell Trust.

"Swindon is a fairly affluent town and not the worst area in the country," he said.

"But many families are only just coping."

However, Coun Ian Dobie (Con, Haydon Wick) lead member for social services in Swindon stressed that deprivation is not just about money.

"We acknowledge that some areas are as bad as the worst in the country," he said.

"But it is not just a question of having cash. It's about spending money wisely."

If you want to support Bob you can contact him on Swindon 694591.

Tamash Lal