Rhana Miah was dragged 165 yards by carTWO more men have appeared in court accused of assaulting a father-of-nine who was dragged along the road behind his brother's stolen taxi.

Matthew Gane and Mark Gordon are both charged with taking part in an attack on Rhana Miah before stealing the cab on February 6.

Gane, 24, of Baycroft Close, Coventry, and Gordon, 31, of Conyers Close, Grange Park, Swindon, are accused of GBH and taking without consent.

A third man, Colin Grant, 33, of Cottington Close, Freshbrook, also faces the same charges.

No charges were formally put to the men during separate brief hearings at Swindon Crown Court and no pleas have been entered by any of the trio.

The case against the men has been adjourned to Friday, May 6 when they are expected to enter pleas to the charges.

Grant and Gane have both been remanded in custody and Gordon was released on bail.

Rhana needed treatment at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford after he clung on to his brother's taxi to stop it being stolen, it is claimed.

The 38-year-old suffered a fractured skull, as well as bruising and swelling, after he was dragged 165 yards by his brother Tony's cab, a silver Peugeot 406.

The alleged incident took place outside the Dilraj Indian restaurant shortly before 11pm on the Sunday night. Tony, 36, a taxi driver and co-owner of the restaurant, found his brother lying unconscious in the road.

Rhana, who had to have a brain scan, has been recovering at home after leaving hospital in February, when he was given the all-clear.

Jamie Hill