ONE of last season's favourites for relegation, Calne found themselves finishing this campaign in a lofty third place after this home win and Supermarine's timely destruction of Westbury.

Despite being high on confidence, thanks to the unexpected win against Westbury last week, Calne produced little in the way of finishing despite a mountain of possession.

Neil Young's solitary try on 30 minutes was to be the home side's only points of the first half. After a period of scrappy play, Young's rangy stride and looping line took him past the last defender for the overdue score.

Calne's backline seemed to struggle the most. Young mistimed a pass and a catch for two certain scores, whilst centre partner Guthrie Holliday was caught in possession on a number of occasions.

Last week's try scorer, Alan Henley, also slipped in front of the line to add to the crowd's frustration. The penalty count was also high as the home backline couldn't come to grips with the referee's interpretation of the obstruction rule in their use of dummy runners off set piece moves.

Despite the building frustration, the pack got down to business and kept working good positions and retaining possession to starve Swindon of any sustained possession.

Swindon tried to use the wind to their favour in the second half, but some poor tactical kicking allowed full-back James Gladding to make his mark on the game.

His counter attacking runs earned Calne some great positions, with one incursions earning a penalty. Captain, Andrew Donegan, stepped up and duly converted. Calne's pack continued to battle and standout performances from Damon Murphy and Neil Watkins should have been rewarded with a more reflective scoreline.

Coach John Crozier was delighted with his side's higher than expected league finish and announced that there would be no summer break.

Training will continue through the close season at the Recreation Ground on Thursdays at 7pm, with the aim of fine tuning what he rates as a team with great potential.