The weather was beautiful on the Marlborough Downs for Minety's last junior fixture of the season.

The U7splayed a very good Marlborough team who had the best individual player on show in RJ. He looked dangerous every time he received the ball and ended up by grabbing four tries. Minety put into practice all they had been taught this season and 'tagged' well, passed well and scored three strong running tries through Nathan Strong, Alex Cronin and Oliver Howitt.

In the end it was a victory for Marlborough six tries to three.

The under eights were a bit slow out of the blocks and found themselves trailing to Marlborough. Jacob Botterill had a fine performance and scored four tries in total. Ben Goddard and Joe Lewis also scored in a game that saw Minety draw six tries each. There are some very promising players in this age group and next year will see them develop further as they move into the contact game.

The under nines were outgunned by a well organised Marlborough team that ended up winning eight tries to two. Garin Garland and Alexander Thomas scored the Minety tries. The Minety players kept going until the end but it wasn't their day.

The U10s took part in a great game. Their performances have really been transformed as the season has gone on.

In a very competitive match Reece Kinnet scored a great try that ended up ensuring that Minety gained a well deserved draw one try each in a very evenly balanced game.

The combined U12 and 13s has become a formidable unit. Marlborough took the lead but a Lloyd Morgan try which was converted by Nick Skelton meant that Minety led seven points to five at half time.

The second half saw Marlborough slip behind as Minety grew stronger as the game went on. Another try for Lloyd Morgan, two for Luke Bush and one for Chris Reynolds plus three conversions from Nick Skelton saw Minety win in style 33-5.

This comparatively small squad can feel proud of their achievements.