GAZETTE & HERALD: KNITTED chicks, rabbits, snowmen and Santas have helped Springboard stalwart Val Hutchens raise more than £7,000 for pre-school funds over the last 15 years.

Mrs Hutchens, 69, and her needle buddy Jean Hewer have spent hours knitting Easter and Christmas gifts to be sold in aid of Springboard.

The pair have made around 200 egg cosies with Walnut Whips inside.

They then sell them for 70p at Westinghouse, where Mrs Hutchens' son Keith works.

"He's my salesman," she laughed. "I also sell greeting cards and homemade marmalade to make as much money as I can. One year I made a record £900."

Mrs Hutchens, who lives at Monkton Park, had no affiliation with Springboard, but said she thought it was a wonderful cause.

"Springboard is a beautiful place. The staff are all so kind and have so much patience. I don't think I could do it."

The Gazette's Springboard Appeal now stands at a wonderful £5,648. Thank you to all who have helped, but please keep the donations rolling in by filling in the coupon below.