Is 'Chippenjam' going for the prize for most traffic lights in one town award? Why are there now two sets of lights on the Western Arches?

Surely the new pedestrian operated ones on their own would do. Talking to a bus driver just after they were re-connected, once again the comment was "the traffic ran much better with them off".

With regard to the Gladstone Road traffic lights only letting a maximum of three cars or one bus across at a time, did anyone notice that when these were red so were the Avenue Le Fleche ones, so no one was moving! (This has been sorted out now.)

On Monkton Park recently we all received a vote as to whether Monkton Hill should be made one way or, worse still, traffic light controlled.

It must stay open for emergency vehicles. Traffic from the college, the Olympiad, the new record office, the main sorting

office, the telephone exchange and the residents and only one way in and out I am amazed it copes now.

Isn't it time to stop and sort the roads out before anything else is built?

My views are: switch off the Bath Road lights and only have them for pedestrians, the same with the Western Arches. Make it a left turn only out of Borough Parade (using flowerbed at the top as roundabout longer, but probably quicker in long run), Make it a left turn only going up Avenue Le Fleche, at the junction of Gladstone Road to stop the road rage of people going straight on, and open the High Street at

either 5.30pm or 6pm nearly everyone's gone home by then and this would help traffic flow during rush hour.

The number to report holes in roads and faulty lights is 0800 232323 (freephone Clarence). Speaking to them recently they told me that they rely on people telling them about faults as there is no longer the manpower to go round checking. How many people moan but don't do anything about it? They always take notice i.e. they did not know about the large hole outside Taylor's Motorcycles it has now been filled.

S Hulbert