WORK to revamp community life in Westbury and its surrounding villages will begin in earnest next month after the launch of a detailed plan.

The Westbury Area Community Plan will be formally unveiled on May 12 after almost three years of public consultation and tackles issues such as education, health and transport.

The document has been co-ordinated by Westbury Area Action Group (WAAG) and also covers the parishes of Bratton, Edington, Coulston, Heywood and Dilton Marsh.

WAAG chairman, the Rev Paul Richardson, said: "The vision for the Westbury area that is set out in the plan is the one that was devised and developed by those living and working here.

"It will be great to celebrate the launch of the plan in the company of those people.

"The launch of the plan is certainly the start rather than the end of a process and it is now that the real work to make a difference to our local area begins.

"The challenges are significant but so too are the opportunities."

The launch event is from 7pm to 9pm at Westbury Infants School in Eden Vale Road where guests will learn of the plan's eight themes.

These are: education, environment, transport, crime and community protection, economy, social care and health, culture including sport, and housing and the built environment.

At the beginning of the draft document published in March, it said: "The aim is to improve the quality of life by helping to create the community and environment that people want to live in."

The document recommends projects under each heading, which will be implemented by bodies such as councils.

For education these include increasing support for homework clubs while under environment, WAAG is urging Lafarge Cement to provide more information on its emissions and filters and soil samples.

Transport projects include a cycle track from Westbury to Dilton Marsh and under crime, improving face-to-face contact with police is a high priority.

The economy theme recommends restrictions on shops being converted into homes and more GP services is a big health concern.

A welcome pack for new residents is suggested under culture while better accessibility and road circulation for Westbury town centre is included in built environment.

After the launch, work will begin on developing timetabled action plans to deliver the initiatives and, where necessary, to raise the funds required.