RESIDENTS are being encouraged to put the brakes on fast drivers by joining a campaign for safer roads.

Local partnership Melksham 1st has launched a campaign calling for safer roads in rural areas surrounding the town.

They are encouraging members of the public to fill in questionnaires.

They hope to introduce "Quiet Lanes", where lower speeds are promoted and traffic is directed to other routes.

Melksham 1st member Rolf Brindle said: "Where Quiet Lanes have been introduced elsewhere they have been received with tremendous enthusiasm. However, we seem to be lagging some way behind when compared with other local authorities."

They are proposing Quiet Lanes for the north west of Melksham, around Broughton Gifford, Shaw, Whitley and Atworth, and for the north east, between Melksham and Lacock.

They will discuss the results of the questionnaires with Wiltshire County Council. For a questionnaire call Carolyn Beale on (01225) 899265.