WLTSHIRE TIMES EXCLUSIVE: THE BIRTH of little Leo-Luke has helped soothe the pain left by the death of his father and grandfather in a tractor accident last year.

Luke Wells, 19, and his father Mark, 40, from Seend Cleeve, died in December when the tractor they were working in plunged into the Kennet and Avon Canal.

Luke's girlfriend Nicola Siekiera, 17, of Pembroke Road, Melksham, was pregnant at the time. Leo-Luke Mark was born at 11.14pm on Saturday at the Royal United Hospital, Bath, weighing 8lb 4oz.

Miss Siekiera, 17, said: "I am over the moon. I do feel really sad that Luke is not here but then a big part of me has been filled back up again because part of Luke and his dad are back.

"He has got Luke's eyes so when he opens them up it is like Luke is looking at me.

"Leo and Luke will always be number one in my life no matter what happens.

"I love him so much and I just want to do everything I can for him and I want to make Luke proud."

She had been at Luke's mother's house in Melksham when he died, waiting for him to come home.

She said: "I was ringing and ringing him but I couldn't get an answer.

"I rang Mark's girlfriend in the evening to see if she had heard anything and a police lady answered and said they would be coming to see me.

"I knew Luke was dead before they came round. I had been reading a book called PS I Love You all day about a girl whose husband died and I had to stop reading because I was thinking about what I would do if that happened to me.

"I just wanted Luke to get back so I could tell him how much I loved him.

"At the time I thought it was something to do with the book, that it was a bit of a curse."

She said the couple had been together for nearly two years and were planning to move in together. Luke had wanted to buy a puppy for the new baby.

"When I found out I was pregnant Luke was shocked but as soon as he came round to it he was over the moon," she said.

"We were going to get a house and he wanted to get a lurcher puppy. He grew up with one so he wanted Leo to as well."

She said they had spent a long time trying to decide on a name for the baby and had agreed on Leo.

"When Luke died I wanted to keep the name Leo because that is what he had been expecting but I wanted Luke and his dad's names in there somewhere as well."

Her mum Julia, 43, who is a grandparent for the first time, said: "He is the little treasure we have all been waiting for.

"It's been an emotional rollercoaster and I am so proud of her. She is just so glad to have Leo here and have a part of Luke to kiss and cuddle. She adores him."

She visited the Royal United Hospital, Bath, with her husband Stefan, 49, where Leo-Luke was born by caesarean.

Luke's mother Kim Carey and Mark Well's partner, Paulette King, were also there to visit the new baby.

The family will celebrate Miss Siekiera's 18th birthday next Friday with a party at home.