A SWINDON chartered surveyor believes many businesses will lose out this year because of failed rates appeals.

This month saw a revaluation of ratings for all commercial properties.

The rates for Swindon are 42.2p in the pound for large businesses and 41.5p in the pound for small businesses those with rateable values under £15,000.

However, the appeal system is fraught with difficulty, according to Andrew Kilpatrick of Thompsons Commercial Property Consultants in Commercial Road, Swindon.

The problems include the complication of the 37-page appeal handbook, and also the fact that cowboy ratings advisors have been reported, offering their services as appeal representatives.

And one failed appeal means a company loses any further chance to try and get their rates down in the next five years.

Mr Kilpatrick said: "Busi-nesses must be aware that if they don't get quality advice from a reputable chartered surveyor, they run the risk of losing any chance to reduce their rates for the next five years.

"In the past Thompsons have achieved some significant successes in saving businesses from rogue rating advisers who have given duff advice and charged companies through the nose.

"The rogue rating advisors typically employ slick salesmen who make plausible claims of rate savings, but invariably fail to deliver."

When the rates were last revalued in 2000, Thompsons handled appeals in 43 towns on all types of businesses including shops, offices, factories, warehouses, motor trade, leisure centres, hotels, nightclubs, racehorse training stables and snooker clubs.

Mr Kilpatrick said: "The new appeal regulations, which run to 37 pages, have been brought in with the stated intent of reducing appeal numbers.

"While some of the regulations may turn out to be helpful, in my view 2005 will see a significant increase in the number of appeals which are found to be invalid with unfortunately a number of businesses likely to lose out as a consequence."

The Association of Certified Chartered Accountants has urged businesses not to forget to appeal where possible.

South west spokesman Richard Houghton said: "Occupiers

trading from a single property with a rateable value of up to £9,999 are entitled to claim small business rates relief.

"This could have the effect of reducing a rates bill by up to 50 per cent.

"However, rates relief has to be applied for it is not automatically deducted from any rates bill."

To find a recommended surveyor call the industry association helpline run by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors on 0870 333 1600.