FAMILIES have talked of their "new beginning" after the launch of an innovative housing scheme.

The 3,400 people on the housing register are looking forward to more choice after West Wiltshire District Council launched its new project at Trowbridge Civic Hall on Tuesday.

Homes 4 West Wilts is a choice based lettings scheme that allows prospective tenants to bid for new homes.

Properties are advertised in the Wiltshire Times and Star, as well as on the internet at www.homes4westwilts.co.uk

Househunters who are interested can bid online, in person or on the phone. It is free to bid and the council allocates the property to the person considered in the most need.

"This really is a new beginning for me," said mother-of-three, Theresa Jenkins, 34, of Castle Street, Trowbridge.

"I am in band A so I should be getting priority when it comes to houses being allocated. I can't wait, I shall be down there first thing on Thursday morning.

"Once I get my house sorted I'm going to get some further education and hopefully start my own business. I was a bit unsure about how it worked and about using the computer, but the council sat down to explain it to me. They have been a godsend."

Miss Jenkins was evicted from her house and is now staying in temporary accommodation.

From Thursday morning, she will be able to bid on properties across Wiltshire.

She said: "For six weeks I was staying in a hostel and it was horrible. The kids were getting poorly.

"This scheme is so good because we are no longer going to get put in a house or an area we don't want to be in. Because I've got young children, I don't want to be somewhere with a lot of loud noise, so being able to choose is perfect."

In a speech at the launch, Cllr Virginia Fortescue, housing portfolio holder, said: "The scheme is turning out to be a great success.

"More than 3,400 people have registered and more forms are coming through the door all the time.

"The housing needs team have worked so hard to achieve this and it has been really inspiring."

Housing services manager, Graham Hogg also gave a speech to the throngs of people packed into the hall.

He said: "This is the introduction of choice into housing services. It has been the housing service team, together with all the other housing services that has made today the success it has been. The housing list used to be a measure of how serious the shortage was, but not anymore.

"We have had thousands of applications and this just shows the popularity of choice based lettings."