AT the meeting of the WWDC planning committee on April 7 to discuss the proposed Hilperton relief road chaos ruled once more.

The councillors could not vote with their conscience even though they knew that more were against the road than for it. What happened to democracy? They took the easy way out.

May I, through your column, be one of the first to congratulate the people who want the road who think they have won a victory by pushing their problem onto others. There are more losers than winners in this matter.

The people I feel sorry for are the ones who at the moment only have a road in the front of their houses and who may, at a latter date, have one behind them. No more out in the garden for a bit of peace and quiet, just noise and pollution. I am glad to say I am not one of them so I have no axe to grind on this matter. I would have expected to have seen the people of the village demonstrating and demanding a weight restriction long before the problem of traffic came about.

