WHILST entrances and exits to public car parks generally leave little to be desired, I am absolutely certain the river entrance to the Chippenham multi-storey precinct car park really is the worst anyone could experience.

The way in has but one thing in its favour the avoidance of having to travel an extra mile via Avenue La Fleche with its several sets of traffic lights, in order to arrive at the main entrance!

The extremely narrow riverside entrance lane (it can hardly be called a road) is flanked on one side by temporary? railway sleepers are kerbs really out of fashion? and on the other by a broken down paling fence, recently damaged and even more recently mended by Fred Karno I inquire?

To gain access to the car park itself one has to traverse a miscellany of surfaces grass verge, lightweight kerbing and footpath and then, would you believe, one is confronted by two sets of sleeping policemen within yards of one another. For what purpose I ask? cars having just negotiated two extremely tight right angled bends can hardly be expected to be travelling in excess of walking pace?

To a casual user, of the whole thing frankly is disgraceful and completely unprofessional in nature.

Come along NWDC, get it together! Your council tax payers and others surely expect from you something far better than that provided.

